
Flexible Organic Battery Overturns the Medical Application

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Scientists from Queen's University have designed a new flexible organic battery that could revolutionize how medical implants are powered.


"In medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators there are two implants, one which is fitted in the heart and another which holds the metal based, rigid batteries - this is implanted under the skin," said Dr Srinivasan.  "The implant under the skin is wired to the device and can cause patients discomfort as it is rubs against the skin.  For this reason batteries need to be compatible to the human body and ideally we would like them to be flexible so that they can adapt to body shapes."

While current batteries contain toxic materials that are complicated to recycle, organic batteries would simply decompose over time.  The flexible device is made up of non-flammable electrolytes and organic composites, which are safe to the human body. It can also be easily decomposed without incurring the major costs associated with recycling or disposing off metal based batteries.


The technology could also have a nonmedical application in foldable phones or laptops of the future, the designs of which are currently constrained by rigid batteries.  With the right funding in place, the devices could easily be utilized in powering phones or similar devices in the near future.


Source: https://www.qub.ac.uk/News/Allnews/QueensUniversityinnovationcouldmeanflexiblebatteriesforpacemakers.html

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