2017/09/20 BY:Mason The future of Ethernet is released this year. Upgrade the Ethernet from C6A to Category 8.
VIEW 2016/08/29 BY:Magi Mole 90% internet crashed could be simply settled by “Cotton swabs dipping with alcohol to clean the contacts “ , why ?
VIEW 2016/08/12 BY:Mason Are you tired of seeing the bulky wifi router sitting at the corner of your room? Now, you can get rid of it with this compact device.
VIEW 2016/01/05 BY:Magi Mole Why does internet signal always get unstable? Even the leading famous brands are also unstable? The answer Part I < A silent change happening on RJ45 contact NOW>. To be an electric components buyer, you must know……
VIEW 2015/12/03 BY:Mason An insignificant piece makes big difference.
VIEW 2015/11/30 BY:Magi Mole Shopping in the 3C shops or internet, it always pops out so many Standard, bandwidth, cabling system. All of them looked like “too Professional” or “ Alien Language for me”. And their price can be 10 times different. How to make the right solution and right choice? Easy! Just take a look here.