Up to now, some of coaxial connectors market price even runs to under USD $0.1 in China. Can any manufacturer produce real connectors with this crazy price? In order to keep their margins, some manufacturers chose to scarify the quality by using down-grade material and silent change in spec, simplifying the processes. As a result, those sub-quality products would have miscellaneous problems, such as not friendly for assembly, high failure rate and shorting customer product’s life cycle.
現今的同軸連接器市場價已低於USD $0.1。 真的有任何廠家能用這個價格生產出有用的連結器嗎? 為了保持這個價格,一些廠家會用低等材料,省略生產步驟,並在生產過程暗中改變規格。 這些都會產出組裝困難,故障頻傳及縮短客戶產品生命的次級品。
RF Connector
A company called Edali chose to do the opposite, never compromised in crazy price challenge. To design high quality and long life cycle product, it invested expensive equipment and spent lots of time and energy on R & D. At the meantime, it improved the production process to semi-auto or automatic assembly machines, in order to reduce the label cost and defect rate. Though it had more costs in R&D. It still offered a competitive price on the market.
然而, Edali這間公司,不在價格挑戰下妥協,選擇了相反的方式。它用了高檔設備和大量時間和精力在研發高品質,生命週期長的產品。 同時,它也改良,生產過程以降低標籤成本和不良率。 雖然多了研發成本, 它仍然在市場上提供了有競爭力的價格。
In 1986, Edali was founded by experienced engineers who came from Molex and located in Taiwan. Thus, this company has better scientific background and more R & D experience than the others.
Edali是由一群資深工程師離開Molex後,於1986年在台灣成立的公司。 因此,這家公司具有比其他公司更好的科技背景和研發經驗。
The founder of Edali, Mr. Yan
Most of manufacturers lacked of knowledge of transmission and performance so they never invested any equipment to test their products. Unlike the others, the owner knew the importance of testing in designing so he spent more than USD $300, 000.—kept updating his network analyzer systems in order to design perfect products. He built automatic product line to meet his high standard of product quality and growing business demand as well.
大多數的製造商缺乏連結器傳輸性能的知識,所以他們從來沒有投資任何設備,來測試他們的產品。 不像其他公司,Edali的老闆知道在設計產品時,產品檢測的重要性,所以他投資在網絡分析儀上超過30萬美金。為達到他對品質的要求和不斷增長訂單,他也建立了全自動生產線。
HP network analyzer
In addition to equipment, designing ability was another specialty of this company. The owner had design their own automatic production machine and process for RF Coaxial connectors. One of His methods was to insert a stamping spring into connector as sleeve, instead of to machine out the sleeve from copper bar. It significantly reduced manufacturing cost, lead time and increased flexibility of sleeve. In order to spread this technology and bring convenience to people. The owner chose not to apply patents so that all manufactures could use this technology.
除了設備外,研發能力是該公司的另一強項。 老闆開發出他們同軸連接器的自動化生產設備與製程。 其中一個製程是將沖壓彈簧插進連接器套筒,而不是直接加工銅條。 這樣不但顯著降低的製造時間和成本,並提高了傳輸速度。 不過,為了普及這個技術,並給人們帶來方便。 老闆選擇不申請專利,使所有製造商可以使用這種技術。
Even though it mainly focused on OEM/ODM, they spent zero dollars on commercial promotion. Customers found it on their own initiative for its good reputation and service. All they needed to do was sending product information and spec to it, and it would finish the rest, including creating product drawing, producing samples and products. With such good technical skills and service, it developed deep relationship with customers. All their customers kept coming back and placing new orders.
即使它的主要業務為OEM/ ODM,但它從不打廣告。 客戶會為了它的名聲和優質服務主動找上它。 客戶只需要給它產品資訊和規格,它會完成剩下的工作 ;包括畫製圖面,生產樣品和產品。Edali用它的技術和服務與客戶發展出良好的關係。它的客戶都會不斷回來,下新的訂單。
Wireless antennas
Apart from 20 years of dedication to connector, Edali had devoted himself to antennas for at least 10 years. Now, it is designing better, faster PCB Trace Antennas. That can be extended to numerous fields, such as building a wireless house, connecting every part and every appliance and used in smart meter, enabling two-way communication, gathering data form remote reporting. Let’s expect the high tech antenna to replace wires and cables, creating wireless environment for people.
除了奉獻20年致力生產連接器外,Edali已研究天線至少10年。 現在,它正在設計更好更快的PCB天線。這些天線可以擴展到許多領域。 它可以建立智慧住宅,連接家中家電及每個角落。 它也可用於在智慧型電表,在遠端收集數據進行雙向通訊。讓我們期待Edali的高科技天線取代傳統電纜,為大眾打造無線環境。
You may find the above products at Zugo Electric Mall. www.zugonow.com
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