Tommy was joining his maker friends recently and making their own electric TGV together. At the meantime, his E-sports friends came to him and asked him to play league of legend together. Then, a bunch of kids quarreled for being makers or E-Sports players. Their views are much deeper than what we thought. Let us see how these kids thought about Maker and E-Sports.

...<Cut into their final battle directly >...
Team E-sports: Body, we are the team of legend. Let‘s beat our opponents and win the scholarship offered by Robert Morris University. We need more practice to keep our rank. Nothing is better than playing games and earning money.

Team Maker: Tommy, it takes you at least two years to get into RMU, definitely. Before that, you will pay a lot of money first. We are a team to make the real thing –Magic TGV- together. I believe it will be something big during the fair in this weekend, and then we will get fame. A scholarship is not a big deal for a maker. There is hundreds of chance for us to get.
<Editor' OS: Kids care about “Fame.”>
Team E-sports: “Fame” is easier to get by playing video games. There are so many E-sport contests every year. Once we win the championship, we will get sponsors like xxxx, xxxxxxx (Sorry no ADs here). We are the legend!
<Editor' OS: Kids know Sponsors, Not Bad!.>
Team Maker: Be a legend? Edison, Steve Jobs, and Bill Gates are also "makers". No matter hardware or software. We don’t need to be somebody. If our ideas are good, we can get our sponsors from Kickstarter anytime.
<Editor OS: Ha. Ha. This’s a good shot.>

Team Maker: I doubted on the E-sport contests. We don't even know which computers will run faster in the contest, and there is no processor could offer the same performance. Once the gaming companies want to promote new games, what you practiced for years becomes useless. The contests are not fair.
<Editor OS: Yes, no one can quarrantee the speed & performance of contesting PCs are always 100% the same. >
Team E-sports: Don’t listen to them, Tommy. The company keeps upgrading league of legend and holds the contests over seven years. That never changes. We will fight for the championship

Team Maker: Even if you win the championship, so what? At that moment, we may start our company, right Tommy?
Tommy finally said: “Well, I would like to play the game, but our fair is right around the corner. I need to finish our work first. Sorry! I could not play the game this week. “ <Editor OS: Good boy. Don't hurt anyone's feelings.>
What do you think ? Maker or E-sport win ?
Let us smile for kid's wisdom !