Why does internet signal always get unstable? Even the leading famous brands are also unstable? The answer Part I < A silent change happening on RJ45 contact NOW>. To be an electric components buyer, you must know……
BY:Magi Mole, 2016/01/05 Can you image you can communicate with a foreigner so easily? The real-time translation headphone will help you.
BY:Mason, 2017/11/15 The secret weapon to fight smelly odor in your shoes is revealed. Check the article to know more.
BY:Mason, 2017/09/27 Robotic Remora can markedly reduce transport and movement costs and increase mission durations for autonomous underwater vehicles.
BY:Ultron, 2017/10/02 The PCB with 10u” gold plated was judged as oxidized in less than 1 year after the machine kept been returned from end customer. The buyer could not get the replacement because “They were all in spec” said the factory’s staff. How to deal…
BY:Magi Mole, 2016/05/31 Invention and innovation are in our DNA. With passion and the technology assistance, making things is much easier than before. In this era, everyone can be a maker.
BY:Mason, 2016/04/01 “Invested over US$350,000 just for researching the coaxial connector that price between USD0.2 - USD1.0”. Competitor may laugh on him. In the end, he won the huge order volume of trending Smart Meter Antenna.
“投資超過35萬美金只為研究售價在0.2- 1.0美金之間的同軸連接器”。 競爭對手可能都會嘲笑他的付出。 最後,他贏得智慧電表天線的龐大訂單。
BY:Mason, 2015/12/31 “Sir, You may close the door and lock me here, but this is no change to my mission here – Finding the defect and block the defect shipment” said ty Henry – TIPO QA in China. This is true story……
BY:Magi Mole, 2017/09/12 Can you image your desk lamp is able to be transformed into a flashlight or a wall lamp?
BY:Mason, 2017/09/13 Researchers are developing the new way to dispose of the nuclear waste. Click the article to know more.
BY:Mason, 2016/12/02 In the near future, patients that suffer from cornea diseases and blindness will no longer have to wait for donated corneas. A Taiwan biological firm successfully uses fish scales to make artificial corneas, which will benefit many visually impaired patients.
BY:Mason, 2016/04/15 The future of Ethernet is released this year. Upgrade the Ethernet from C6A to Category 8.
BY:Mason, 2017/09/20 During 2014 the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, Green Eco-friendly Textiles was capturing media attention around the globe. French newspaper Le Figaro ran a column saying “Taiwan has [already] won its world cup.”
BY:Magi Mole, 2016/08/09 People often suffer from heavily lifting at work or doing housework. Now, there is a newly designed sensor which can protect against injuries happening at work.
BY:Kraig, 2017/09/15 Solar panel phone screens to power your phone soon. It can be widely used on PAD, Notebook, even the window of Car. It is not only meaning “Zero Cost” for charging any time, but also a most safe and ECO way to charge battery invisibly.
BY:Magi Mole, 2016/05/30 Urbanization is associated with mental illness, such as depression. Somehow,nature has its magic to make human feel calm.
BY:Ultron, 2016/08/30 Are you tired of seeing the bulky wifi router sitting at the corner of your room? Now, you can get rid of it with this compact device.
BY:Mason, 2016/08/12 Wind power is the fastest growing energy of alternative energy in the world. But wind power generation device are mostly set in suburban district.
BY:Ultron, 2016/12/13 15th August in the Chinese lunar canlander is Moon Festival, one of the traditional Chinese festivals. Somehow barbecue has become the most popular activity for Moon Festival in Taiwan.
BY:Ultron, 2016/09/15 To know more about heating insoles, click the article to know more.
BY:Mason, 2016/12/30